The Obstructive Sleep Apnea Special - What Sleep Wants - Physicians

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Let's simulate the huddle we hear so much about for sleep disorders.

Yes, physicians, I am talking to you. This is what's also being provided to patients. Pre-requisite: existing diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea.

Check out what several sleep-certified specialists would consider to properly (re-)assess a patient and figure out what their actual treatment course could look like.

Did you know that the medical community keeps telling us that's often required with sleep disorders.

That's What Sleep Wants is all about. Prepping you, and your patient in the process with what specialists would tell you if they were looking at your case together.

What Sleep Wants' Obstructive Sleep Apnea Special just came out to do exactly that:  

I want this!

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To those of you who you do request a refund here, please send the pdfs to a physician of your choice with kind regards for perusal from What Sleep Wants and delete copies of both anywhere.

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Last updated Aug 23, 2024

2 PDFs, 90% written in patient-friendly language while still getting the message across to navigate the re-assessment of obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis.

Main document: analysis of medical view on test tools, diagnostic tools, potential outcome
Questionnaire for you including tests and medication for medical consideration
A structure to review and your treatment approach
Decades of medical research to clarify specialist's sleep-related view points
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The Obstructive Sleep Apnea Special - What Sleep Wants - Physicians

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